What type of NERD are you? 'O-O'/

My wife and son enjoyed doing this so will i...
partly because im awfully bored.


[ ] You watch anime. (Stopped for quite some time)
[x] You read manga. (like DUHh...or not i won't be doing this quiz)
[x] You buy/collect anime DVDs or manga volumes. (I do but recently i'm broke...sob)
[x]You own some other form of anime/manga merchandise. (oh ya man i OWNED it =.=)
[ ] You have referred to an anime character as 'hot' before.
[x] You have cosplayed. (...)
[x] You have done so in public. (...=.= if not? at home a? so vain...)
[x] You have been to an anime/manga convention. (... ...=.=...)
[ ] You have created/joined a fanclub for an anime/manga character.
[ ] You have created/joined a hateclub for an anime/manga character.
[x] You have squealed when you found out somebody had the same name as an anime character you knew. (believe it or not...i actually did...well..."long" time ago)
[x] You enjoy drawing anime.
[x] People you know knows you as the 'anime' person. (Many that do not know me well often stamp the word 'anime' person on my forehead)
[ ] You know that it is pronounced 'mawnguh' and not 'manga' like it is spelled. (...man gah?)



[x] You like art.
[ ] You actually consider yourself an artist. (...below amatuer)
[ ] When using art supplies, the brand of them matters to you.
[ ] You have a favorite brand.
[x] You have asked for art supplies as a Christmas/birthday gift before. (THEY WERE REALLY EXPENSIVE!!! but useless....)
[x] You give people your drawings as gifts. (a few times)
[x] People actually ask for your drawings. (my cousins)
[ ] You are known as 'the art person' at your school.
[ ] Instead of just 'brown' or "pink', you'd be specific; it's 'sienna brown' or 'blush pink'. Or whatever.
[ ] You have taken an art class outside of school.
[ ] You have considered a career as an artist. (what if 'had')
[x] Your school papers are always covered in doodles. (my mom will kill me if she sees this post)
[x] You have a favorite artist.
[ ] Your drawings have been framed.
[ ] You carry a sketchbook with you everywhere you go. (not to the extend to the toilet too...)



[x] You play a musical instrument.
[x] You play more than one instrument. (my guitar is rotting...stil practicing)
[x] You actually really enjoy playing your instrument. (I’m horrible, but I still love it a lot.)
[ ] You've given your instrument a name.
[x] You've participated in an extracurricular activity for your instrument.
[ ] You are known by what you play.
[x] You listen to classical music.
[ ] You are wondering whether that refers to the classical music genre or the classical music time period.
[x] You have a favorite composer.
[ ] All of your friends are from your band/orchestra class.
[ ] You write music. (i SOOO want to try it but......*sigh....)
[x] You've had discussions with your friends about music; your favorite composers/instruments/musical time periods/key/etc...
[ ] You have considered a professional career with your instrument.
[ ] You are never nervous playing for other people.



[x] You play video games. (AHAHAHAHAHAH!!!)
[ ] You own more than 4 different video game systems. (I don't...my brother do)
[ ] You've had debates over which system is the greatest.
[ ] You play video games every day. (...you won't see me in school if i did)
[ ] You have played a video game for over 10 hours.
[x] You have songs from your favorite video games on your MP3 Player.
[ ] You love to talk about video games.
[ ] You memorize the dates for when a new game is being released. (=A= thats like...OBSESSED)
[ ] People know you as the 'gamer' person.
[ ] You spend more time on video games than you do hanging out with friends. (right....)
[ ] Your gaming system is in your room.
[ ] You have preferences when it comes to what company your game came from.
[ ] You've had debates over which company is the best.
[x] You keep playing a game until you beat it. (LOL!!! AHAHAHAH!!! Digital devil saga was awesome...)
[ ] It makes you angry when you found out somebody looked up cheat codes on the internet to beat their game.



[x] You use the computer every day. (Ya...for now.)
[x] You have an account/username on some sort of social website.
[ ] You go into random internet chatrooms. (I'm too lazy to chat...)
[x] You spend at least 2 hours a day on the computer. (I shud stop doing it?)
[x] You use computer faces >>>> ("-.-)_ [COM]
[ ] It is hard to go a day without using the computer. (i've spent almost a month without it)
[ ] You spend time in online forums.
[ ] In the forum/chatroom you use, you are known there by everyone else.
[x] You have friends you have only met online.
[ ] You have/have had a girlfriend/boyfriend you have only met online.
[x] You have actually met an online friend in person.
[ ] U cn ezly rd 'txttlk.' (with deep concentration i caaaaannnn~)
[x] You have said 'lol' or 'omg' in speech that is not online. (omg as in o my gosh...=.=)
[ ] You can type really, really fast. (That is why you dun see me in MASS CONVO!!!)


shall i do another test?
or shall i wash my wig now.....
lazy la......
i'l go do my journal.....
after i've done the other test...then wash my tsuna and miku wig...
and STYLE IT! D<


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Beyond greatness, is goodness - from Wizard of Oz 2013
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