Dear love bugs

Lol so much for keeping quiet bout my birth date
Special thanks to facebook and myself for revealing it =w=

I wanna thank everyone who wished me happy birthday and also got me pressies altho its not necessary they are really meaningful messages to me~ Loved it ALOT

The very 1st from moco X) My favourite choco~ I wished i had unlimited supply of it.
So, i can get fatter!!! and the belt will fit better XD
MOCO, the belt was what i was looking for! XDD

Lol, thanks ah saun alot for the Arashi CD and Star bottle

The pills inside haz cute faces and messages! XD

Birthday card by may yun and cheng fei.

I find this card really awesome...seriously cute!!

*keeps it in a safe place*

At first, i thought this was a duck. i was really blur OTL

Im really sorry, ah chicken OTL liked your origami!!

its actually a fish, resembling my ex-pet micheal ><

Thx to a certain someone for these X) you know who u are 8D

This is the best ice cream i've ever tasted! You will not easily get sick of it.

OTL i put quite alot of ice cream itself instead of the filling

yuuumm...i dunno whats the name of the cake, but it was awesome!~

Tasted like cappucino...hmm not too sure

And a few more other pressies that made my heart go doki doki T///T

btw, I HAZ A YELLOW STAR!!! Shall spam pictures of it the next post. Been hugging and molesting it since i laid my hands on it OTL Now its resting on meh bed X) Nicole, you weirdo...the one in a million special weirdo...>P Thank you pikaaaa CHU!

Next entry will be bout lantern festival and meh soft yellow star~ Guess thats bout it, eyes are getting blurry LOTS OF TYPO PREVIOUSLY Its october already = assignment month = IM DOOMED = *meteroids crashes towards the earth*

LOL not ur typical birthday card but so far, this card haz the most awesome ending ever! ahahha!!

nights people~


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